We were humbled to be able to partner with Pastor Rudy and the just by environmental disasters, but also by Life’s Disasters. We thank you for the devotion, love, and support that you have shown to the brothers and sisters of Houston.

We provided CHRIS180, a nonprofit organization that supports underserved youth and provides foster and adoption services with 3,000 hygiene kits.

Local Meals on Wheels programs are on the front lines every day, focused on doing all they can to keep older Americans safe and nourished in communities across the country. We partnered with Meals on Wheels by donating thousands of dollars to support our senior neighbors in the community.

We joined forces with Atlanta Public Schools through Atlanta Community Food Bank‘s support to support our young people and their families who are food insecure. We have also donated thousands of beverages and thousands of dollars towards this effort of assisting with food insecurity.

With FEMA Atlanta’s help, we supported our partner Hosea Helps with 16 palettes of water in this time of need to keep families hydrated during the COVID-19 pandemic.